
The European Sahara, along the Biała Przemsza river across the Desert

Everywhere there is only sand and sand ... and you do not need to go to Africa to feel like on the real Sahara. The Błędowska Desert is a natural feature, unique not only in Poland but in whole Europe. It is the largest area of ​​quicksand occurring on our continent. No wonder that foreign tourists flock here.

Look at the desert from hills!

The Błędowska Desert has approximately 32 square km of sand surface and we can admire its magnificent panorama from two viewpoints: the Czubatka hill in Klucze and from the Dąbrówka hill in Chechło. Currently, it is the best way to explore this natural wonder, since till December 2013 the Desert is closed due to the sapper works carried out there. Walking along the paths intersecting the area of the Desert is possible only after receiving special permission from the Klucze commune. Sappers entered the Błędowska Desert within the EU project, which aims to restore its original character. In recent decades, shrubs and trees began to overgrow the sands. However, to enable heavy deforestation equipment to enter the Desert, first the place has to be demined, as it served as a military training ground in the past - used by the Kraków Army in the interwar period and German airmen during the war. As a part of the EU project Life + (part of the money was granted by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and the rest by the Klucze commune) scientists will also restore the most precious natural places. The Desert Błędowska abounds with hundreds of plants of a typical desert character. We come across here rare species such as Carlina acaulis or Corynephorus canescens. The project will also include marking educational paths – the hiking trails that lead to the most interesting places. It is possible that after the restoration of the Desert one will be able to - as at the beginning of the previous century - note phenomena such as sand storms, sand dunes and mirage occurrences.

Along the Biała Przemsza river

The natural charm of the Desert is the Biała Przemsza River running across its centre. The richest vegetation occurs along the river’s banks. You can find here insular occurrence of Cochlearia polonica- endemic plant, not growing elsewhere in Poland. The area provides perfect conditions for Cochlearia polonica, which requires very cold and clear spring water and sandy ground. The Biała Przemsza strongly penetrates into the soil of the Desert. Hence in very hot summers it almost completely disappears.


Very few people know that the Błędowska Desert came into existence a few centuries ago as a result of intensive activities of the locals. Deforestation, carried out for the purpose of mining and lead works, led to the groundwater level dropping to the point that prevented the growth of plants.


In our area there is another desert - Starczynowska (near Bukowno) - but it is mostly covered with forest. However, while wandering around it you may come across exposed areas of sand.

There are obviously no deserts in the regions we cooperate with (since ours is the only one in Europe), but there are other famous attractions.


150 km from Ocland there is a beautiful Sighisoara (a fully preserved medieval city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site).


The great attraction in Cserépfalu is the Hór Valley - the longest (16 km) and the most beautiful valley in Hungary. Interesting and worth visiting are ruins of the Ódor castle, from where you can admire the most beautiful view of the whole region of the South Borsod.


And Batizovce? Undoubtedly, the number one of the area are the majestic peaks of the High Tatras.

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